There are many reasons why vocal warm-ups are so important. Your warm-up regimen should include breathing exercises, as well as vocal exercises. Warming up keeps your voice healthy, helps you sound your best and protects you against vocal damage. They also stretch your vocal cords and help clear your throat. It is the best way to prepare you voice for singing. The first part of your vocal warm-up regimen is breathing exercises. For instance, inhale rapidly through your nose with…


There are many reasons why vocal warm-ups are so important. Your warm-up regimen should include breathing exercises, as well as vocal exercises. Warming up keeps your voice healthy, helps you sound your best and protects you against vocal damage. They also stretch your vocal cords and help clear your throat. It is the best way to prepare you voice for singing.

The first part of your vocal warm-up regimen is breathing exercises. For instance, inhale rapidly through your nose with 4 quick, short breaths and exhale the same way. The 4-7-8 breathing technique which is breathing in for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds and exhaling for 8 seconds. There are many other breathing exercises you can find on Google or YouTube. The breathing exercises will help with diaphragm and breath support when you sing. They will reduce anxiety, relax your mind and body before you sing.

The second part of your vocal warm-up regimen is vocal exercises. Your vocal exercises will warm up the throat muscles and stretch them; they will also clear the throat. Vocal exercises do many amazing things for your voice. My favorite two are the Bubble (lip trills) or the R Roll (tongue trills). These exercises help improve pitch, vocal agility, pitch control, expands your range higher and lower, breath support, diaphragm support and so much more.

Put together a ten-minute vocal warm up regimen that you can do every morning and get your day started right! Most importantly, always use your vocal warm-up before you sing.


“There’s more evil in the pop charts than an Al Qaida suggestion box.”
Bill Bailey

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