What is twang? It is a technique used in performance to help singers have more power in their voice through amplification. Inside your larynx, which is the voice box, houses your vocal cords. When the vocal cords vibrate, they create sound when you sing. At the top of your larynx is the epiglottis. The epiglottis is a flap of tissue and cartilage located above the vocal cords. It is beneath the tongue at the back of the throat. When you twang the epiglottis lowers a little creating pressure in the vocal cords. Think of it like a garden house and by placing your thumb over the top of the hose you create a smaller, faster stream of water with the pressure.


What is twang? It is a technique used in performance to help singers have more power in their voice through amplification. Inside your larynx, which is the voice box, houses your vocal cords. When the vocal cords vibrate, they create sound when you sing. At the top of your larynx is the epiglottis. The epiglottis is a flap of tissue and cartilage located above the vocal cords. It is beneath the tongue at the back of the throat. When you twang the epiglottis lowers a little creating pressure in the vocal cords. Think of it like a garden house and by placing your thumb over the top of the hose you create a smaller, faster stream of water with the pressure.

Here are some exercises to help you learn how to create twang. Try saying the word “Nah” as your sing it, get louder with it, almost like a crying baby. You will also feel your tummy tighten as you do this. Another way to work the twang is imitating Janice from the show “Friends.” This is a clip of Janice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP1t53aZahw, try imitating her laugh. Another way is by imitating a duck sound “quack.” Now, try a vowel sound like “A” and hold the note and add twang as you get louder. It’s best to try doing it with your speaking voice first and then use it in singing. You want to learn how to control the twang by adding more and less pressure.

The twang will add a bright quality resulting from the narrowing of your aryepiglottic sphincter. When you narrow the larynx with the epiglottis fold this creates brighter overtones in your voice.


How many vocalists does it take to screw in a bulb?
None. They hold the bulb over their head and the world revolves around them.

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