Branding who you are as an artist is all about self-discovery, you have to know who you are as a singer, songwriter and musician. What is your story? What do you want to say to the world? How do you want the world to see you? What are your values? What kind of music makes you happy? So many questions you need to dig deep inside and find the answers to move forward on your journey. You need to know…


Branding who you are as an artist is all about self-discovery, you have to know who you are as a singer, songwriter and musician. What is your story? What do you want to say to the world? How do you want the world to see you? What are your values? What kind of music makes you happy? So many questions you need to dig deep inside and find the answers to move forward on your journey.

You need to know what kinds of music you love and what message you want to share with the world. As you get older your views and beliefs will grow with you. As you evolve, it’s important to accept change and grow with the it. Change is inevitable and a part of life, it’s how you accept and move with the change that will define your outcome. As you hit bumps in the road, look at it as a life lesson and figure out what you need to learn from it.

Be authentic, you need to figure out what you want and how you want to spend every single day. Do you love singing or performing in clubs every night? Do you love spending your time writing music? Do you love jamming? What things do you love to do? Creating a vision board can really help you put things together. Having the ideas and pictures in front of you helps you visualize your goals. If you can picture it in your mind, you can make it possible. Try and brainstorm your strongest skills.

You need to have a clear vision of your direction. If you have a clear vision of your direction, you will know what steps to take next. Who do you need to talk to? Who’s your audience? What social media platforms will you use? This will help map out your direction and give you a clearer vision of your dreams and branding as an artist.


What’s the difference between an oboe and an onion?
No one cries when you chop up an oboe.

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