Developing a coordinated and strong mixed voice is important for any great singer. A strong mixed voice helps eliminate the transition from chest to head voice. We will discuss what is a mixed voice and what does it feel like? It’s best described as maintaining a strong chest voice on higher pitches.

What is a mixed voice? Aretha Franklin, Beyonce and Christina Aguilera all have full chest voice and they continue that vocal sound into the higher pitches. They all use a mixed voice sound, which is a fuller sound when singing in the head register. The mixed voice feels like a lighter version of chest voice and a fuller version of head voice. It combines the beautiful highs of head voice with the deep and strong lows of chest voice. The combining of chest and head voice creates an even vocal tone from the lower range of your voice to the top of your range in head voice.


Developing a coordinated and strong mixed voice is important for any great singer. A strong mixed voice helps eliminate the transition from chest to head voice. We will discuss what is a mixed voice and what does it feel like? It’s best described as maintaining a strong chest voice on higher pitches.

What is a mixed voice? Aretha Franklin, Beyonce and Christina Aguilera all have full chest voice and they continue that vocal sound into the higher pitches. They all use a mixed voice sound, which is a fuller sound when singing in the head register. The mixed voice feels like a lighter version of chest voice and a fuller version of head voice. It combines the beautiful highs of head voice with the deep and strong lows of chest voice. The combining of chest and head voice creates an even vocal tone from the lower range of your voice to the top of your range in head voice.

What does it feel like when singing in a mixed voice? It’s like a seesaw, you will feel the larynx drop and the vibration of pitch in your head. If you yawn, you can feel the larynx drop. When you warm up with the bubble exercise and begin in the lower range, you feel the larynx drop in your throat and vibration of pitch in your chest. As you raise the pitch, you still feel the larynx drop as the vibration moves higher into your head voice.

How to develop your mixed voice is a continuous blend of the registers through vocal exercises. The Bubble (or lip rolls) and the R Roll (or tongue trills like rolling your R’s in Spanish) are an easy way to create a natural blending of your registers. These two exercises will help you move from one register to another without even thinking about it. Your voice should seamlessly move from one register to another effortlessly.


What kind of phone makes music? A saxophone.

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