Everyone knows that speaking in a lower tone can be more commanding with an overall acceptance and likeability. A fundamental skill of singing is the ability to effectively sing with your chest voice. It’s more of a challenge for women to singing with their chest voice than men. Most women speak in their middle to head register, whereas men use their chest voice when they speak.


Everyone knows that speaking in a lower tone can be more commanding with an overall acceptance and likeability. A fundamental skill of singing is the ability to effectively sing with your chest voice. It’s more of a challenge for women to singing with their chest voice than men. Most women speak in their middle to head register, whereas men use their chest voice when they speak.

The ability to sing with your chest voice is just as important as hitting those high notes. The term chest voice was invented by old school Italian singers. They used chest voice to describe notes in the lower range of the voice. It is called chest voice because you feel the vibration of the pitch in your chest. When singing with the chest voice you reaching low, to the lowest pitches in the vocal range.

The chest register refers to the natural manner of action in the vocal folds. When singing low notes, the vocal folds thicken causing the folds (cords) to vibrate slower creating a lower pitch. Using your chest voice properly will result in a fuller, stronger, warmer & richer sound.

Personally, when I began singing, my chest voice was lacking. I found it hard to access and stay in the lower range. Through the bubble (lip trills) and the r roll (tongue trills) and other exercises, I learned how to access, strengthen and get a great sound with my chest voice! I found that my voice sounded so much better using my chest voice!

Here is an exercise to help you with the chest voice: begin speaking in your normal voice. As you begin speaking, slowly transition the words into the “ooh” sound. You should feel resonance in your lower neck and chest. Another way to find your chest voice is by saying “Ah” in the lowest tone you can hit. Here is an example: release a heavy sigh (ahhh), feel the drop in the sigh. Your vocal cords have to be relaxed in order to hit a low note.


Why is a piano so hard to open?
Because the keys are on the inside.

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