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Many people have said to me they can’t sing, or that they have no musical ability.  The reality is that they simply have had limited exposure to music, particularly when they were young. When comments are made to a child “you are tone deaf” or “you can’t sing” leaving a lasting impression on their young mind and these thoughts stay in their subconscious. The same is true for piano, maybe you started taking lessons at a young age and the teacher made a negative comment, stating you have no talent. These comments, in the subconscious mind leave lifelong effects and are most likely are untrue.

What we think of as being a genius is more likely a combination of some natural ability, passion, early exposure, parents that nurtured the child’s passion, extensive practice, and the child had a laser-like dedication. The young child needs emotional support and encouragement to continue to grow in an area like playing piano or any other instrument. Anyone given the right circumstances can accomplish anything they desire.

Music is a direct line to our emotions.  Everyone from retailers to advertising executives knows how music effects the customer. Music can scare you, soothe you, make you cry, make you buy more products at the store, or make you feel better. So, unless you are a mute or have no hands, anyone can learn how to sing or play the piano. It just takes time like anything else.

Children who participate regularly in music not only hone their abilities to focus, think, analyze, organize, and work with others; they also begin to understand and master their own emotional lives. Music helps a child use a different part of their brain, which makes them smarter because they are accessing a part of the brain others are not using. Learning how to read music is like learning another language.

Anyone can learn how to sing or play an instrument. It does not matter how old you are or how much experience you have with music. I’ve taught children starting at age 5 and adults as old as 74. It’s never too late!

MUSIC QUOTE FOR THE DAY:“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” – Confucious

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