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Every singer strives to sing with control and power in their voice, very few start out that way. Here are ten commandments for every singer. Ten things to remember and keep you on track every day.

1   Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s voice. Every singer is different and all singers have strengths and weaknesses. Be thankful for your gifts and don’t let those negative thoughts enter your mind. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. There is no comparison.

2   Thou shalt remember the bridge and smoothly     transition through it. In order to do this, modify your     vowel sound and keep an open throat.

3   Thou shalt honor your vocal health by always    keeping your voice in shape and ready to go. Eat right, get enough sleep, warm up, and keep hydrated.

4   Thou shalt not hold back when performing. Every time you sing or play the piano, give it all that you’ve got, don’t hold back.

5   Thou shalt not go on tour without proper technique training from an experienced vocal coach. Artists like Adele have had to cancel tours and have throat surgery because of vocal damage. Do it the right way and keep your voice in great shape.

6    Thou shalt not use auto-tune! Learn how to sing on pitch. There is nothing worse than a singer who cannot sing and needs auto tune to sound ok. If this is your craft learn how to sing on pitch.

7    Thou shalt not sing from the throat. Do not yell, scream or sing from the throat. Your voice will never hold up. You must use diaphragm and breath support.

8    Thou shalt use a mixed voice. Using a mixed voice will give you a full and commanding sound.

9    Thou shalt not show any fear. Even if you feel it, never show it. Always display a sense of confidence and control the thoughts.

10   Thou shalt dress to impress. An artist should always cultivate a style that suits the image. You need to brand your look as well as your sound.


Why did the girl sit on the ladder to sing?
She wanted to reach the high notes!

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