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What does it take to keep your voice in shape. As a singer, your voice is your calling card, your instrument. Any type of irritation in the throat can ruin a successful performance. Keeping your voice in tip top shape is not complicated and if you want a career as a singer, keeping your voice in good health should be your number one priority!

If you have a tickle in your throat is most likely caused by dryness in the throat. To avoid a dry throat, stay hydrated by drinking room temperature water, coconut water, warm lemon tea, and a small amount of honey before singing. The heat used to warm your home dries out the air and dries out your throat. Try using a humidifier in your bedroom at night and keep your voice from drying out. Soda and fruit juice are not a substitute for water!

My favorite drink is coffee, but coffee, alcohol, antihistamines, most medications will dry out your throat and cause problems when you sing.

Stay away from harmful substances such as vaping and smoking, which will eventually ruin your voice. When you inhale the smoke, you are soaking your vocal cords in toxic chemical, drying them out and irritating them. All of these substances cause inflammation in the throat.

Another way to keep you throat in good shape is by eating healthy and getting enough sleep. Poor eating habits will affect your vocal performance. Did you know that dairy (milk, cheese) and sweets cause inflammation and phlegm in your throat. Acidic foods cause acid reflux, which will also wreak havoc on your voice. If you are not feeling well and have a sore throat, don’t sing. Let your voice rest and heal.

A singer should think like an athlete and train your voice. Learn proper vocal and breathing techniques from a professional vocal coach in a voice lesson and take care of your instrument.


Why do fluorescent lights hum?
Because they forgot the words

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