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It’s important for a singer to get comfortable with their voice and master healthy vocal technique. To gain confidence while singing requires practice in front of different settings. Try singing in a karaoke bar, open mic night, or even a family gathering. If you are singing in a new venue, go to the stage when no one else is around, walk the stage and get a feel for the venue. If it’s possible, check out the sound system and microphone. Here are 4 steps to help you sing with confidence.

Step 1: Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, focus on what could go right! Your mental posture will make or break your performance. Get into a good head space and control your thoughts before a performance. Ask any athlete, it’s a mental game as well as physical.

Step 2: Warm up your voice as well as your body. Do your vocal warm ups and stretch the body, even jumping jacks will help get out excess energy and adrenaline.

Step 3: Deep breathing with a slow exhale. The deep breathing has a calming effect on the body. This will help you relax, focus and build confidence.

Step 4: Good posture! Standing up straight and shoulders back will make you feel more powerful and confident. Try this, slouch forward then sit up straight with shoulders back. You will feel an immediate difference. Just like smiling, if you make yourself smile it actually makes you feel happier. Try it!

Every professional singer gets nervous before a performance. The nervousness you are experiencing is actually adrenaline. This can be a wonderful energy source for your performance. All of that nervous energy is fuel for a great singer.


“My chances of getting into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame are about as good as Milli Vanilli’s.”
Weird Al Yankovic

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