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You need breath control to sustain or hold a note. There are two ways to hold a note, the first is with vibrato which is a fluctuation in pitch. The second way to hold a note is the opposite of singing with vibrato, it is singing with a straight tone or what I call holding the note solid in the tone with no fluctuation in pitch.

Holding a note with no vibrato is not as easy as you think. If you add dynamic (loudness & softness) variations, while holding the note can be a game changer. To do this you must use your diaphragm and surrounding muscles to stay on the pitch (note). You need to know how to control your voice and hold notes with and without vibrato…it’s all about control.

To sustain a note, you must have breath control, which involved the stomach muscles and muscles around the chest cavity. These muscles must be tight in order to control the airflow, by doing this you tighten the diaphragm, stomach muscles and the muscles surrounding the rib cage. When you release the air, it should be a consistent and steady slow stream. Try hitting any key on the piano or keyboard and just sing the note with a vowel sound like “ah” and see how long you can hold it with and without vibrato. Time it and see if you can lengthen your time each day. Another way to strengthen your vocal control is by doing a few riffs of a vocal exercise with one breath. The lip trills and tongue trills are a great way to strengthen your vocals.

To hold or sustain a note longer on a piano, you can use the damper pedal (the floor pedal on the right). You can buy a pedal for the keyboard as well, which will do the same thing.


Want to hear the one about fermata?
Wait, it’s too long.

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