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There is such a thing as vocal color; it is the distinct quality of tone that gives color and personality to your voice. Every voice has its own unique timbre. Once you have established good vocal technique you need to add different shades of color. It’s like adding highlights to your hair.

It’s wonderful when you are gifted with flexible and colorful voice, but if you don’t have a beautiful singing voice, it can be developed. You can expand your range, flexibility and inflection with practice. Your vocal colors will depend on the style of music you are singing. For instance, a metallic sound or twang or high volume, also known as belting, is used when singing country, pop, gospel and soul music. In pop or jazz, you might use a mellow, soft and breezy color in your voice. All of these colors in your vocal sound can be developed.

Tone is the overall sound of the voice. To sing in a darker tone you will sing with an open throat and a high soft palate, the placement of sound (resonance is toward the back of the mouth). To get a brighter tone, you will sing with vocal cord closure and the placement of sound is toward the front, roof of your mouth and sinus area. If you put them together you will get a balanced tone.

Pop songs have a rather distinctive bright poppy sounding tone. This tone can be found more towards the front, using nasal resonance. An easy way to think of it is singing with a smile, the brain automatically translates this to bright tone when we speak and sing. You also want to make sure that the tone of your voice matches the style of music you’re singing. If you’ve ever heard opera singers try to sing pop music, you know that they sound funny; their tone is too full and rich when it needs to be more casual, not so formal.


What type of soap did the composer use?

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