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When a person has the determination, it means they have made a firm decision, set a goal and will not waver from the pursuit of achieving the goal. Whether it’s playing the piano, becoming a great singer, songwriter, or putting together a killer band, the artists who make it happen had a determination to make it happen.

Determination gives you the motivation to get up in the morning and work hard at your goal. Pushing through every obstacle that gets in their way. There may be times where you feel like quitting, but determination will not allow you to do that. You get back up and keep moving forward. Determination is incredibly powerful motivating you to reach your goal.

Sometimes you will come across roadblocks or run out of options and it’s frustrating. Determination will spark creativity and will encourage you to figure out creative solutions. It will help you figure out how to stand out from the competition.

Determined people in the music industry set small goals leading up to the point of where they want to be. Write down your main goal and list smaller steps that you can accomplish today and build on tomorrow. Determined people believe their future is in their control. It does not mean it will always be easy, but they do not consider themselves a victim. Determined people push through no matter what and focus on a positive future outcome.


“My sole inspiration is a telephone call from a producer.”
Cole Porter

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