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There are many ways to improve your singing. There are a few things that are very important to build a solid vocal foundation. A singer’s pitch, emotion, diaphragm and breath support. Each of these components deals with a different aspect of singing. Pitch relies on your hearing, emotion deals with your feelings, diaphragm and breath support is improved through the muscles around the rib cage, diaphragm and abdominal muscles.

The first important area of singing is to sing on pitch. To improve your pitch requires a lot of focus when you sing. By recording yourself and listening back to make sure you are on the notes can really make a difference. As you play the recording and find places that don’t sound right, you are probably off the note. Try to slightly raise or lower the note, if you are working with a vocal coach, they can find the notes on the piano and play them for you. You need to develop the Golden Ears!

The second area is about feeling the emotion in the song. To really develop the emotion in your singing, try attaching a personal emotion to what you are singing. For instance, if you are singing a ballad about losing someone you loved and you have not experienced the loss of a person close to you. Try relating it to the loss of a pet.

The third and last area to focus on is diaphragm and breath support. How to really strengthen your breath & diaphragm support is through vocal exercises. For instance, if you practicing scales, normally you would do one scale with one breath. Now try doing two scales with one breath. Increase the number of scales with one breath of air. Many people have asked what it feels like, if you laugh ha, ha, ha, you can feel the muscles constricting.

Practice as often as you can. If you start with 15 minutes a day and increase gradually up to 30 minutes a day, next thing you know an hour has gone by and it will seem like 10 minutes. The more piano practice you put in the quicker you will see improvement.

If you want to make changes to your voice within a few months, you will need to practice as often as you can.  The more you sing, the stronger your voice becomes. Remember, your voice is a muscle that needs to be exercised. Although everybody has a natural range, you can actually expand and go higher or lower just by practicing and doing your vocal exercises. Take your voice to the gym everyday!


“Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.”
Groucho Marx

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