There are three exercises that really strengthen your voice when you sing. The bubble or lip trill and tongue trill are my top two exercises. The third exercise is the straw technique and it can really impact your voice The straw exercise helps to strengthen your voice in so many different ways. I know it sounds silly, but it really works! There are many benefits from using this technique. The straw partially blocks air from coming out which creates a…


There are three exercises that really strengthen your voice when you sing. The bubble or lip trill and tongue trill are my top two exercises. The third exercise is the straw technique and it can really impact your voice The straw exercise helps to strengthen your voice in so many different ways. I know it sounds silly, but it really works!

There are many benefits from using this technique. The straw partially blocks air from coming out which creates a resistance in your vocal tract. Because of the resistance it sends energy back to the vocal folds helping them to vibrate better. A daily workout with the straw will strengthen your vocal cords (folds), your breath & diaphragm support, as well as improve your range. By balancing the vocal fold alignment, you will create a smoother transition from one register to another. It also elongates the vocal tract and produces better acoustic sound. It helps train the vocal folds to stay in proper position while strengthening your voice in so many ways!

This practice can help with a variety of vocal problems, making it the perfect tool for beginners and professionals alike. Things like smoother sound and transitions, more consistent vibrato, fewer cracks, and reduced tension and strain should be noticeable almost immediately after starting these exercises. And the best part is doing it couldn’t be any easier! All you have to do is sing with your lips around the straw. Use it during warm ups, cool downs, or anywhere in between to help maintain your optimal vocal health. Make sure you use a thin straw (3 – 4.3 mm in diameter), the thinner the better. It best to do it for 5 minutes at a time and multiple times a day.


“We idolized The Beatles, except for those of us who idolized The Rolling Stones, who in those days still had many of their original teeth.”
Dave Barry

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