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Every singer has experienced the dreaded crack or break in their voice. It can be embarrassing and also frustrating when this happens. It’s important to try and stay in the moment, but often the incident will cause a shift in your mind and attack your self-confidence. As a vocalist work on mastering the art of moving from one register to another smoothly without a break or shift in the voice (it’s called passaggio). There are two places, first one is between your chest and middle voice. The second one is between you middle and head voice. As you move up or down in your range it is important to transition with ease. For all voices, there is a point in which the shift from one register to another occurs.

Every singer should master moving from one register to another smoothly without a break or shift in the voice. As you move up or down in your range it is important to transition with ease. How do you master moving from one register to another, moving from lows to highs with ease? Start by doing the lip (bubble) or tongue trills from low to high and back down. Notice how there is no shift in your voice. You need to keep an open throat and there is no constricting of the throat muscles.

The goal is to train your throat muscles NOT to constrict and close off the airway. The muscles need to open the throat. The goal is to create a consistent sound throughout your range. The lip trills and tongue trills are a great way to master this technique. Also, you can try the voice straw technique. I will talk about the voice straw in the next blog.


“My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the ‘William Tell Overture’, without thinking of The Lone Ranger.”   Billy Connolly

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