A logo for michelle ostro vocal and piano studio.


Everyone is born with certain links or connections in the brain which effects their abilities and also their weaknesses. The good news is these weaknesses can be altered by extensive practice. So, if you think you cannot sing or do not have the talent, there is a way to strengthen your weaknesses. If you think you have no musical talent to play the piano, you will never know until you try. It’s the same with songwriting, try and try until you succeed!

I’ve never met anyone who could not learn how to play the piano. And I’ve only come across two people in the 23+ years I’ve been a vocal coach that I thought this is just not working. It all has to do with your mind set. If you think you can’t, you won’t. If you think you can, you will. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s really true.

It might take some people longer than others to attain their goals, but it’s all about practice and determination. If you think it will magically happen, it won’t. If you put forth effort and really want to make it happen, it will. Determination is all about focusing on the goal. As long as you have the goal, you can create the path leading you to that goal. Just keep walking in the direction you want to go. Determination will push you above and beyond what you thought you could achieve.


“If you’re 28 and singing about being over the hill, you’re pretending. When you’re 67 and singing about it, you know what you’re talking about.”
Loudon Wainwright

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