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Singing involves a vocal mechanism that is comprised of three voice subsystems. We have all heard about diaphragm support, but it’s actually more than just your diaphragm. You have an air pressure system that works together for breath support, a vibratory system and the resonating system.

The air pressure system includes the diaphragm, muscles around the chest area, muscles around the rib cage, abdominal muscles and the lungs. The abdominal muscles are the primary muscles used when you exhale. The diaphragm and the abdominal muscles actually work in opposition to control the release of air causing air pressure.

The second system is the vibratory system, which is the voice box or larynx and the vocal folds (cords), also called the laryngeal vibratory mechanisms. As you exhale, the air travels through the voice box. The air pressure system creates a resistance as the vocal folds vibrate producing sound.

The third system is the resonating system. This system is the vocal tract which includes the throat (pharynx), the oral cavity (inside the mouth) and the nasal passages (sinus area). This is how you can amplify your voice creating a bigger sound. It’s your own amplifiers built into your body. You can resonate sound in the nasal area, the mouth (the oral cavity) and in your throat.

All three of these systems work together to create a beautiful singing voice. Learn how to use these three systems in full capacity to create an amazing sound. Find a professional vocal coach near you to learn more.


“I play all my country and western music backward – your lover returns, your dog comes back and you cease to be an alcoholic.”
Linda Smith

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