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I’m sure you have heard the saying “you can’t love someone else until you love yourself.” You have to feel it in order to project it to someone else. To put emotion into your singing or playing piano, you must feel the emotion yourself. Whether it’s joy, sadness, longing, pain, love, etc., you must feel it in order to release it to others. You have to feel the song and take the audience on an emotional journey with you.

For a singer or pianist, it could be the music or the lyrics that draw you in, or it could be both. Have you ever listened to a song and the music moved you? Then you found out what the lyrics were saying and thought, I had no idea that’s what the singer was saying!

It’s important to learn how to sing or play a song with proper technique, but many times a person will lose the emotion of the song because they are focusing on technique and all that needs to be done while performing the song. A song without emotional will come across stale.

On the other hand, to sing with emotion and lack technique can result in an unstable sound creating cracks and lack of control. When you learn to sing the correct way, your voice becomes stronger and you are able to express yourself vocally the way you feel the song. Once you’ve conquered the song technically, you will be able to perform it and just bask in the emotional feel of the song.


What is the difference between a fish and a piano?
You can’t tuna fish!

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