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It’s important to create your own unique sound and style as a singer. The sound of each individual’s singing voice is entirely unique because of the actual shape and size of an individual’s vocal cords, sinus cavity and physical structure of each individual. The job of every singer is cultivating their voice by making a song sound good without any music to accompany the singing. Here are three steps to help cultivate your singing voice.

The first step is to strengthen your voice. Work out all of those muscles involve with singing. Vocal exercises especially the lip trills (bubble) and tongue trills (r roll) really help strengthen you voice. The first step is to have a solid foundation to work with and that means a solid voice with breath and diaphragm support.

The second step is to work on technique. A singer should be able to hold a note solid (no wavering on the note) or use vibrato. Eliminate the brakes in your voice, posture, breath support and good tone.

The third step is to develop your own unique style. You can begin to do this by copying other artists.  Any artist will tell you they got their own style by first copying their favorite stars. Start borrowing the unique qualities in each of their voices. By using this method, you will develop and find your own unique style. Don’t worry about genre; I personally like Christina Aguilera, Shania Twain, Cheryl Crow and Whitney Houston. Each of these artists fall into a different genre but the unique qualities of their voices stand out.


“Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there’s no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door.”
Jerry Seinfeld

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