Last week we looked at an overview of four approaches to singing and a more in depth look at the coordinated onset. We are going to discuss the aspirate onset, also called the breathy approach to singing. The aspirate onset is a way to sing a note in a soft approach. It is the breathy singing voice like Marilyn Monroe. This is a fancy way of saying that you start with an “h” sound. The aspirate vocal onset happens when…


Last week we looked at an overview of four approaches to singing and a more in depth look at the coordinated onset. We are going to discuss the aspirate onset, also called the breathy approach to singing. The aspirate onset is a way to sing a note in a soft approach. It is the breathy singing voice like Marilyn Monroe. This is a fancy way of saying that you start with an “h” sound. The aspirate vocal onset happens when the vocal folds (cords) come together after the airflow has started to pass through. It has also been called the airy onset, soft attack or soft onset. This way of singing will have a softer, light, breathy and airy vocal sound when you sing.

Here is a little exercise to try, if you sing “Hey Jude” from the Beatles song. When you sing Hey, notice the vocal folds (cords) opening as you sing the “H” and the vocal cords come together as the rest of the word ‘ey’ is being sung. The vocal folds (cords) open as the air first passes though and then closes. When you sing the word Jude, you are now in a coordinated onset.

It’s important to understand your voice when you sing. There are three basic elements to produce sound when you are singing: air supply, vibration and resonance. The amount of air-flow and pressure passing through the larynx will determine the vocal sound. As the air passes through the vocal tract, the air pressure causes vibration which creates the sound when you sing.


Reporter: “What do you think of Beethoven?”
Ringo Starr: “I love him, especially his poems.”

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