The last blog briefly talked about four approaches to singing: coordinated, aspirate, hard (glottal) and vocal fry. Today we will look at the coordinated onset. The most important fundamental technique in singing is that of a coordinated onset, also called the balanced onset. The onset is how you start a note or phrase: the beginning of sound. It is the coordinated onset that gives you a clean start to initiate your sound. A coordinated/balanced onset occurs when the vocal folds…


The last blog briefly talked about four approaches to singing: coordinated, aspirate, hard (glottal) and vocal fry. Today we will look at the coordinated onset. The most important fundamental technique in singing is that of a coordinated onset, also called the balanced onset. The onset is how you start a note or phrase: the beginning of sound. It is the coordinated onset that gives you a clean start to initiate your sound. A coordinated/balanced onset occurs when the vocal folds are closed but not too closed. The singer produces an easy sound that does not seem constricted or forced. How you begin singing a note will determine the quality of the sound.

The coordinated onset is used for middle to loud volume when singing and it is used to sing most of a song. This type of onset is where the breath and the sound are initiated together. A coordinated onset creates a well-supported note that is clear with no tension. This is the best type of onset for a healthy singing voice.

There are different ways to approach a note when you are singing to create a mood or feeling. You can use a coordinated onset which has a balanced and smooth sound. This technique gives the singer a well-balanced, connection and natural sound.


What do you call a hundred conductors at the bottom of the Ocean?
A good start.

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