There are three basic approaches to singing a note and one special method called vocal fry. These approaches when singing a note are called the vocal onset. Vocal onset is the way you initiate a pitch or how you begin to sing a note. How you initiate a pitch effects the quality of your sound throughout the musical phrase. The four vocal tone onsets are: The coordinated onset (balanced onset), airflow & vocal folds are brought together at the same…

Creating A Breathy, Growl or Balanced Vocal Sound

There are three basic approaches to singing a note and one special method called vocal fry. These approaches when singing a note are called the vocal onset. Vocal onset is the way you initiate a pitch or how you begin to sing a note. How you initiate a pitch effects the quality of your sound throughout the musical phrase.

The four vocal tone onsets are:

  1. The coordinated onset (balanced onset), airflow & vocal folds are brought together at the same time. This will give a singer a well-balanced connection and a natural speaking voice sound.
  2. The aspirate onset (soft onset), which is a breathy sound like Marilyn Monroe.
  3. The hard onset (glottal or hard attack) on a note, which was covered in the last blog “How To Put A Spark In Your Singing”.
  4. The vocal fry onset, (or growl onset) which is a unique technique used for growls or similar sounds used in gospel, rock and jazz singing.

For most singers, the coordinated onset is encouraged. The coordinated onset creates a well-supported note that is clear without tension. Every singer is different and it depends on what they natural lean towards. We will discuss each one more indepth in future blogs.


“A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo – and doesn’t.”
Mark Twain

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