Polyrhythms are a way to achieve a particularly ambitious sense of rhythm, which layers one type of rhythm on top of another. For instance, a salsa percussion ensemble may feature congas and bongos playing 4/4 time, while the timbales concurrently play a pattern in 3/8. This creates a dense rhythmic collaboration. The emphasis is on syncopation and asymmetrical rhythmic patterns. Polyrhythms originated in African drumming and they’ve spread to all sorts of genres worldwide, from Afro-Caribbean to Indian, Rock, Jazz,…


Polyrhythms are a way to achieve a particularly ambitious sense of rhythm, which layers one type of rhythm on top of another. For instance, a salsa percussion ensemble may feature congas and bongos playing 4/4 time, while the timbales concurrently play a pattern in 3/8. This creates a dense rhythmic collaboration. The emphasis is on syncopation and asymmetrical rhythmic patterns.

Polyrhythms originated in African drumming and they’ve spread to all sorts of genres worldwide, from Afro-Caribbean to Indian, Rock, Jazz, Celtic, Latin and Contemporary Classical. It is the simultaneous combo of cross rhythms and can sometimes be conflicting rhythms. For instance, in the song Kashmir by Led Zeppelin, the intro is polyrhythm combining bass strings, middle strings and high strings. Each note has its own distinct and different sound. Polyrhythm is featured in the song Sweet Child O’ Mine by Gun’s N’ Roses with the greatest guitar solo by Slash. He starts out with a normal 4/4 rhythm and adds another rhythm on top of it. This genius and complex polyrhythm sound is one of a kind.


“Are you going to come along quietly, or do you want musical accompaniment?”
Spike Milligan

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