The different styles of singing are used in many genres of music. My last blog discussed speech, sob, twang and falsetto singing styles. Today we will look at the singing styles of opera, belting and mixed voice.


The different styles of singing are used in many genres of music. My last blog discussed speech, sob, twang and falsetto singing styles. Today we will look at the singing styles of opera, belting and mixed voice.

Opera singing is an art form that is used to tell a story through music and singing. Opera singers do not use microphones to amplify their voices. They learn how to amplify their voice natural with acoustic resonance. The oral cavity acts as a resonator to amplify and intensify your voice. Opera singers focus on breath and diaphragm support for control and power when they sing.

Belting is the powerful vocal sound that is released, not forced. Belting is a loud and commanding way to sing. The singer should use belting in the appropriate places of a song, never belt throughout the song. When you belt, you are driving sound that is produced by pushing the natural chest register beyond its normal limits.

The mixed voice is combining registers. Your middle voice is the bridge between your head voice and your chest voice. Singing in your middle voice is also called a mixed voice, which means you are combining the head and chest voice. Singing in a mixed voice will produce a fuller sound. It is the bridge or gap between the chest and head voice.


What kind of phone makes music? A saxophone.

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