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It’s all about choosing a method of singing that works for you. Every singing is unique with different strengths and weaknesses. A great Vocal Coach will be able to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses. The instructor will be able to find the breaks in your vocal register and put together a plan to create a unique singing voice for the client. There are different methods that are taught. I’ve studied them all and find wonderful techniques in each method. In upcoming blogs, we will look at three Vocal Methods: Speech Level Singing, Estill Voice Training and Complete Vocal Technique. Choosing which method works for you really depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

A singer needs to find a vocal coach they feel comfortable with and trust. In the beginning, I studied with many Vocal Coaches that were not the right fit for me. I wanted to sing Country and R&B. Studying with a classically trained teacher did not get the results needed to achieve my goal. So, I continued my search until I came across Seth Riggs and his method of Speech Level Singing. Between his method and the study of Vocal Pedagogy in college helped me reach my goals as a singer.

It’s important for you to understand the different methods and figure out what works best for you. If the instructor does not play the piano, it will be difficult to fix pitch issues. An instructor needs to find the notes and play them for you to get you on pitch. Their method of teaching also needs to align with your needs as a singer.


George Melly to Mick Jagger: “Why is your face was so wrinkled?”
“Laughter lines,” Jagger said to his friend, with a grin.
“Nothing’s that funny,” Melly quipped

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