Have you ever experienced trouble as you are getting ready to sing that high note? All of a sudden it feels like you will not be able to hit it and your voice cracks or you are flat (under the note). It is embarrassing and frustrating. It is very common for singers to have vocal breaks, especially on the high notes. Here are some ways to practice hitting those notes without straining. The bubble exercise (lip trills) or the tongue…


Have you ever experienced trouble as you are getting ready to sing that high note? All of a sudden it feels like you will not be able to hit it and your voice cracks or you are flat (under the note). It is embarrassing and frustrating.

It is very common for singers to have vocal breaks, especially on the high notes. Here are some ways to practice hitting those notes without straining.

  1. The bubble exercise (lip trills) or the tongue trills (r roll) are the best way to really expand your vocal range and hit those high notes with ease.
  2. Releasing tongue tension will alleviate strain. Many singers will raise or lower their tongue when they sing different notes. It’s important to keep a relaxed tongue.
  3. Keep your larynx relaxed when you sing. Your larynx houses the vocal cords. There are muscle groups that raise and lower the larynx. You can feel it when you swallow or yawn. If the larynx is too high you can cause strain. Do not force the larynx up or down.
  4. Change the vowel sound to hit the high notes. Mariah Carey uses the “Ah” sound when she hit the high notes.


“If you wanted to torture me, you’d tie me down and force me to watch our first five videos.”
Jon Bon Jovi

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