Singing clearly is an art in itself! It’s one of the first things a singer should pay attention to beside pitch. A singer needs to enunciate clearly; make sure you are not mumbling or singing with your mouth barely open. Warm ups will help you get those articulators working. Your articulators are the soft palate, tongue, teeth and lips. Some singers like to practice sentences like “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” and continuously repeat the sentence quickly…


Singing clearly is an art in itself! It’s one of the first things a singer should pay attention to beside pitch. A singer needs to enunciate clearly; make sure you are not mumbling or singing with your mouth barely open. Warm ups will help you get those articulators working.

Your articulators are the soft palate, tongue, teeth and lips. Some singers like to practice sentences like “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” and continuously repeat the sentence quickly with your mouth open and speaking clearly. Another exercise you can do is keep you lips two fingers apart while you sing. You can do vocal exercises with two fingers between your teeth.

Enunciation refers to how clearly and concisely the lyrics are sung, sounding out the entire word like “around” (putting the d on the end of the word). I tell my clients to “close out” your words; for instance, the word “flight,” make sure you can slightly hear the “t” at the end of the word. So, it’s all about the clarity of each word and the way each syllable is shaped when singing. Enunciating is more than just pronouncing words clearly; it’s expressing the words well. This is the first steps to mastering your own sound. When you are singing and the audience does not know what you are saying, you lose the connection because they are trying to figure out what you are singing.

It’s very important to master your sound, a clear and creative enunciation of the words being sung. Practicing your enunciation is an easy way to improve your singing voice instantly! If you are mumbling the words you are singing, you will not get your message across because no one will know what the song is about. A good singer will have clear enunciation and they will craft each syllable.


“Get up from that piano. You hurtin’ it’s feelings.”

Jelly Roll Morton

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