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What’s really important for you as a singer, musician or life in general is having positive, supportive people around you. Learning how to surround yourself with people you trust is the best thing you can ever do.  Your support system should be people who will build you up and make you the best version of yourself. Whether it’s your family, personal, business or music life, surround yourself with individuals that are positive. Every singer, pianist and songwriter needs to have talent, but you also need a self-confident mind; the two go hand in hand.

One of my favorite quotes from Warren Buffett: “Surround yourself with people that push you to do better. No drama or negativity, just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other.”

Who you hang around with at work, school and your partner (spouse), will make a positive or negative impact in your life. This will change your life. Having a strong support system of friends and family is important. If you don’t have much family, create your own with your friends. If you hang around with people that you don’t trust, you will always be on edge, you are always second guessing and you will never reach your full potential in that type of environment.


 “We only knew four chords, but we arranged them pretty well.”  Hawkwind Rock Band

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