DEVELOP VOCAL VARIETY WHEN YOU SING! The singing voice needs to have a few areas working well to sound great! You never want to put your audience to sleep with a boring singing voice. As a singer, you want your voice to stand out and have people take notice. You are more likely to keep the audience’s attention with the use of natural vocal variety. Vocal variety happens naturally is you are really passionate and connect to a song. Singing…



The singing voice needs to have a few areas working well to sound great! You never want to put your audience to sleep with a boring singing voice. As a singer, you want your voice to stand out and have people take notice. You are more likely to keep the audience’s attention with the use of natural vocal variety.

Vocal variety happens naturally is you are really passionate and connect to a song. Singing with passion and feeling connected to a song will bring out these technical attributes of vocal variety. I’m sure you are curious to know what exactly is vocal variety. It’s all about pitch, tone (color of your voice), inflections, emphasis and dynamics.

It’s important to be on pitch, if you are not on pitch your voice will sound bad. You are either a little above or below the note, which does not change your tone, but will make the voice sound bad because of pitch error. Your tone is how your voice sounds naturally whether you are singing or speaking. Some people may have a naturally higher (lighter) or lower, deeper speaking voice; it’s the same with singing. You can alter your tone and manipulate a bit, but it doesn’t naturally happen.

The inflection of words is related to the pitch as well as the rise and fall of your pitch. For instance, going up at the end of a sentence because you are asking a question. By adding the rise and fall of volume (dynamics) brings more intensity. This all can happen with one word or phrase.

A variation in pitch, tone, inflection and volume will really make a difference in your vocal performance. Listen to Audrey Diaz on Youtube and notice the rise, fall, loudness, softness, tone and emphasis in each word; it’s rather impressive.


In the 60’s people too drugs to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal!   Damon Albarn

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