Vibrato is a musical effect from an instrument or a voice. It is a technique used to add expression to a piece of music. Vibrato is the rhythmic pulsation, vibration and/or bending a pitch (note). If you are not able to use vibrato when you sing, you can develop it. Vibrato can happen very naturally with a singer. If it doesn’t happen naturally, it can be a learned technique. There are two ways to hold a note, with vibrato or…


Vibrato is a musical effect from an instrument or a voice. It is a technique used to add expression to a piece of music. Vibrato is the rhythmic pulsation, vibration and/or bending a pitch (note). If you are not able to use vibrato when you sing, you can develop it.

Vibrato can happen very naturally with a singer. If it doesn’t happen naturally, it can be a learned technique. There are two ways to hold a note, with vibrato or holding the note solid without vibrato. Very skilled and experienced singers will alternate between the two.

String and wind instruments can mimic the vocal function. Some keyboards have a pitch wheel, pitch bend or bender, which makes the pitch (note) wobble faster or slower. It is similar to vibrato because you are moving or bending the pitch for a specific note.

Singing with a slower vibrato is usually how someone begins the technique. It’s important to have control when it comes to the rate of speed to sing with vibrato. If you play piano, start on a note and try to raise the pitch a half step and bring the note back down. Try starting on C and raise the pitch to C# and back down to C. Start slow and try to increase the rate of speed. If you do not play piano start on a white key and raise the pitch to the black key directly to the right, then go back down to the white key.

Too much tension in the throat and vocal cords will affect your ability to sing with vibrato. Every singer is different and some naturally use vibrato and some do not. I’ve worked with many students who were not able to sing with vibrato. But after a few weeks of vibrato exercises they were able to sing with vibrato. It’s all about vocal control.


What do you get if you cross a serpent and a trumpet?
A snake in the brass!

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