When I’m working with a client, I will do a few vocal exercise warm ups. This tells me how high and low a person can sing. There have been many occasions where a client will tell me I cannot hit a certain note in a song. But I know they can because they hit the same note in their vocal exercises many times. Why do some notes seem higher than they really are in a song? Well, the artist in…


When I’m working with a client, I will do a few vocal exercise warm ups. This tells me how high and low a person can sing. There have been many occasions where a client will tell me I cannot hit a certain note in a song. But I know they can because they hit the same note in their vocal exercises many times.

Why do some notes seem higher than they really are in a song? Well, the artist in the song will use a lighter head voice sound (sometime falsetto) which will make the listener think it is higher than it really is. Psychologically you have already decided that it is too high for you to reach based on what you heard. Once that seed is planted in your brain, it’s difficult to break it. It can be done, but it takes a little work to figure it out.

If you bubble through that area and have no trouble, try humming it, next use a vowel sound that is comfortable for you to hit the high notes (Aah). I will go back to the vocal exercise and work up to the note they think is too high. Once they hit the note that they think is impossible, I will point it out “that is the note you think is too high.” And continue going higher to show them they can even sing higher than the note.

So don’t let the sound of the note fool you into thinking it’s too high. Go for the evidence, do the scales, broken chord exercises and see how high you can sing. Go back and find the note you think is too high and see where it is in your vocal range. Also, try changing the vowel sound, this will help as well.


“If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.” Johnny Carson

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