When a singer works on a cover song, it’s important to change it up, add your own spin on it and make it your own. I teach my clients how to put their own unique spin on a song. Putting your own spin on a song will take a little time and creativity. The more you do it the easier it becomes. Here are three steps to help you make a song your own. First, you can change the original…


When a singer works on a cover song, it’s important to change it up, add your own spin on it and make it your own. I teach my clients how to put their own unique spin on a song. Putting your own spin on a song will take a little time and creativity. The more you do it the easier it becomes. Here are three steps to help you make a song your own.

First, you can change the original key of the song. If the song is a bit too high or too low, change the key to fit your range and bring out the best qualities in your voice. If you are constantly struggling with notes, it’s hard to put your own spin on it and be creative.

Secondly, change the tempo of the song. Yes, changing the tempo from a ballad to energic, or high energy to a ballad, will complete change the mood of the song. There are lots of songs on Youtube that have been changed from a band song into a piano or guitar background which changes the entire feel for the song. This gives the singer so much creativity to add emotional runs and much more. I love the music from Postmodern Jukebox, they’ve taken different songs and changed them into a blues, jazz type of sound, their music is incredible!

Thirdly, play around with the phrasing! An amazing way to make a song your own it by changing the phrasing rhythmically and melodically. Look up some of Audrey Diaz’s videos on my Youtube Channel and see how masterfully she does her phrasing to really make a song her own.


“I play all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order.”  Eric Morecambe

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