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The voice box is also called the larynx which controls your breathing, swallowing and singing. The voice box is a tube-shaped organ in the neck. It is part of the respiratory or breathing tract and actually houses the vocal folds (cords). It is called the voice box because it houses the vocal cords.

When you sing, you want the air to flow freely through the voice box and not be restricted by muscles trying to close the airway. When you train the muscles to pull outward opening the airway, this creates a bigger and fuller sound.

When singing the high notes, be aware of the muscles in your neck; make sure you do not constrict (close up the throat) the airflow. Tension is very common with singers, but if there is tension it can be heard in the voice. Try singing the word “Mum” and go up to the high notes and keep the larynx down naturally. The end result is to keep an open throat, no matter what note you are singing.

JOKE FOR THE DAY:The first time I sang in the church choir, 200 people changed their religion.”  – Fred Allen

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