How do you create a more powerful singing voice hitting those lower notes? Understanding how the lower register (chest voice) works and using good breath and diaphragm support will help you sing with power in the lower range. When you sing in your chest voice, your vocal folds (cords) thicken up. The thicker the vocal folds, the fuller the sound. As you inhale, your breath pressure comes under the vocal folds causing the vocal folds to vibrate. If there is…


How do you create a more powerful singing voice hitting those lower notes? Understanding how the lower register (chest voice) works and using good breath and diaphragm support will help you sing with power in the lower range.

When you sing in your chest voice, your vocal folds (cords) thicken up. The thicker the vocal folds, the fuller the sound. As you inhale, your breath pressure comes under the vocal folds causing the vocal folds to vibrate. If there is a good amount of pressure coming from the muscles around the rib cage, diaphragm and stomach muscles the vocal folds really thicken up and give you a solid, fuller and richer sound.

Here are a few exercises to help you sing with power in your chest voice. Let’s start with some very basic vocal exercise to access and feel your chest voice when you sing. It’s called “Gug”. If you do the beginner runs in my Vocal Power With Michelle Ostrove CD (or scales) and use Gug, you will feel the vibration in the chest area in the lower tones. This is an excellent exercise because the “uh” vowel makes a singer use a lot of chest voice while the “G” sound makes the vocal cords vibrate fully. You can also use the “Ha, Ha, Ha” sound and to really hit those lower notes with a solid and fuller sound.  Here is another exercise to help you with the chest voice: begin speaking in your normal voice. As you begin speaking, slowly transition the words into the “ooh” sound. You should feel resonance in your lower neck and chest.


“I had a boyfriend who told me I’d never succeed, never be nominated for a Grammy, never have a hit song, and that he hoped I’d fail. I said to him, ‘Someday, when we’re not together, you won’t be able to order a cup of coffee at the f__king deli without hearing or seeing me.’”
Lady Gaga

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