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To strengthen a weak voice is not an easy fix. It’s just like working out at the gym, it takes time to build up strength and work out your muscles in the throat, ribcage, diaphragm and stomach. There are many reasons why a singer has a weak voice. Let’s get back to the basics and start working on strengthening your singing voice.

If you wanted to tone up your body and get it into shape, what would you do? You would work out every day! Go to the gym, maybe hire a trainer. It’s the same with your voice. You need to work it out every day. Work out all of those muscles involve with singing. Vocal exercises especially the lip trills (bubble) and tongue trills (r roll) really help strengthen you voice. These exercises strengthen and build vocal technique. You can hire a vocal coach to help you get your voice into shape.

One of the main reasons for a weak voice is singing from the throat instead of from the diaphragm. Diaphragm and breath support create a strong, controlled singing voice. A good example of diaphragm and breath support: try blowing up a balloon from the flower store. They are light weight, but when you blow to fill it with air notice the muscles in your torso tighten! Now, try blowing up a heavy-duty balloon, you have to blow harder. You will blow much harder and you will feel the muscles around your rib cage and stomach tighten more. That is diaphragm and breath support. When you do the lip trills and tongue trills, you feel the same thing.

I encourage singing in a choir if you are able to. Singing in a choir usually means you are working out your voice at least a few days a week for an extended period of time. It’s a good workout and it’s fun! Also, when you singing with other people you want to sing louder so you can hear yourself. It helps you to learn how to use your breath and diaphragm support.

So, take your voice to the gym every day! Even if it’s only for 15 minutes! Do your vocal warm ups and challenge yourself vocally with some great songs.


What has forty feet and sings?

A school choir!

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