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Natural Sign: ♮

A natural sign (♮), looks like an L attached to a 7. What the natural sign does is cancel out the effect of a sharp or flat. It almost looks like a sharp sign but the line on each side is shorter. The space in the middle of the sign is placed on the line or space of the note it represents. If a note is in F sharp (F#), a natural sign will bring it back to its natural tone which is F. That means you would be playing a white key on the piano.

When do you use a natural sign? When a measure has a C# and there is another C in that same measure it is also a C# (even though it is not marked). If you want the second C in that measure to be just a C, you need to add the natural sign before the note to cancel out the sharp.

If the key signature has a C# in it, that means all Cs should be sharp. If you want a C to be a natural C and cancel the C# from the key signature, you will use a natural sign as well. A natural sign is used to cancel out a flat or sharp from a preceding note in a measure or in the key signature. The key signature is located at the beginning of the sheet music. Sharps, flats and natural signs are called accidentals.


What do you call a gentleman?
Someone who knows how to play the accordion, but doesn’t.

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