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Every singer wants to increase their vocal range, and hit those high notes. There are different ways that you can to sing the high notes: falsetto (light), mixed voice (also called belting), staccato (short and detached), with vibrato (bouncing back and forth on a note). Each variation creates a different sound and feel for the song.

When you sing high notes with a mixed voice you will produce a chest and head register sound. When you hit those high notes with power and a chest register fullness of sound, that is called a mixed voice. It is not yelling, you are using your core, diaphragm and breath support (neck, ribcage and stomach muscles) to create that sound.

Hitting high notes in falsetto will give you a thin and lighter sound. The sound is clearly different, you can hear a shift in the sound. Hawaiian song style ka leo ki’eki’e really emphasis the break in register using falsetto.

Using staccato and vibrato to hit those high notes are completely different techniques. You can hear both techniques in Mozart’s breath-taking song “Queen of the Night.” Adding vibrato and staccato to your vocals will produce a more classical type sounding voice.

Vocal exercises will help you perfect these techniques. On my CD “Vocal Power” there are specific exercises you can do daily to expand your range and perfect the different techniques when hitting those high notes.


U2’s lawyer works pro Bono!

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