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Every singer wants that smooth transition from one register to another. When you sing and move into the next register, the throat has a tendency to close up causing a disconnect in the voice. It can be embarrassing.

There are two natural transition points where you will experience a register shift in your singing voice. The first one is called primo passaggio and the second one is the secondo passaggio. The first register shift is between the chest and middle register. The second register shift is between the middle and head register. The muscles in your throat want to constrict (close up the airway) when moving from on register to another. It’s time to retrain those muscles to pull out, keeping an open throat through those troubling areas. No one is the same, everyone’s register shift is located in a different place.

To smoothly transition through registers can be accomplished through the lip trill (bubble) and tongue trill (r roll) exercises. Start by doing the lip trill or tongue trills from low to high and back down; notice how there is no shift in your voice. You need to keep an open throat and there is no constricting of the throat muscles. The goal is to train your throat muscles to keep open the throat moving through those troubled areas. The goal is to create a consistent sound throughout your range. This is one of the most important techniques I work on mastering with my clients during their singing lessons.


How do you get a trombonist off of your porch?

Pay him for the pizza.

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