A logo for local and piano studio.


Throughout the years of working with many talent artists. I’ve learned a very important lessons, never underestimate a person’s abilities. I’ve had clients come in longing to be a great singer and I thought maybe they could be an okay singer, but it’s a long shot.

There have been a few people who had such a strong desire and belief that they could really be a great singer. I’m sad to say that in my mind, I did not see it. As they practiced diligently, these singer (whom I thought would never amount to much) became amazing. They had pitch issues at first, no diaphragm or breath support and limited range. Constantly singing off the notes (a little sharp or flat) and I would work with them weekly, teaching them to listen to themselves when they sing. It took a lot of time, but these artists not only learned how to sing on pitch, but they really became amazing songwriters, musicians and singers.

If you have the drive and a little talent, you can go a long way. The mind is a very powerful tool and you just need to believe in yourself and put forth the effort to make it happen. I never underestimate anyone anymore. The mind is a powerful thing!


How do you get two bass players to play in unison?

Give them charts a half-step apart!

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