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The mark of a weak singer is lack of control with your breath which creates weakness and feebleness in the voice. To strengthen your breath support is easy to do. Having a solid support system when you sing lets you produce clear and solid notes without any wavering.

It’s not about inhaling enough air, it’s about controlling the air as you release it to sing. That’s all it is, controlling the release of air. This does involve all the muscles around your rib cage, abdomen and throat. As I’ve mentioned before, pretend you are blowing out a bunch of candles on a cake. As you release the air, notice all the muscles involved in that action and what it feels like. The muscles around the rib cage and abdomen constrict. When you sing, it’s about releasing less air at a time, which allows you to hold notes longer and add some amazing runs in a song.

How do you make your breath support stronger? It’s through vocal exercises. For instance, if you practicing scales, normally you would do one scale with one breath. Now try doing two scales with one breath. Increase the number of scales with one breath of air. Another way to build strength in this area is bubbling (lip trills) or r roll (tongue trills). Do the same procedure as scales, one breath with one bubble run and increase one breath with two bubble runs. Now bubble or r roll throughout the entire song you are working on. Choose a challenging song where you are holding notes for a long time or there are lots of runs and riffs. These two ways will really help strengthen your breath support quickly, if you do it every day. The more you do it, the stronger your voice will be!


What kind of band doesn’t play music?

A Rubber Band!

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