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There are five important things to do when you are preparing to sing. Whether it’s a gig, choir, theater or just a singing lesson. You want your vocal cords and muscles in your throat to be in tip top shape!

  1. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. This gives the air a chance to warm up and moisturize before hitting your larynx and lungs.
  2. Do not lose body heat. 70-80% of body heat-loss happens through the neck and head so wear a hat and scarf even in mildly cool weather. This helps keep your vocal muscles warm.
  3. Drink plenty of water. The outside cold air and indoor heating and cooling systems will dry out the voice. If your throat is dry, drink plenty of water or coconut water (great for hydration), take a hot shower and try not to talk. This will reduce any swelling to the vocal chords.
  4. A warm drink will help warm areas around the larynx, but remember that caffeine is a diuretic and can dry you out. Hot tea (decaf) and honey are always a good option. Throat Coat tea is wonderful if you are having problems with your throat.
  5. Warm up wisely. It’s advisable to begin every day with some humming and light vocal exercises (it’s like stretching muscles before a gym workout). Ask your singing teacher or vocal coach to record a vocal warm up tailored to your needs. I offer a vocal exercise CD that has lots of exercises to strengthen your voice and help vocal technique.

Always warm up before you sing. Using the lip trills and tongue trills are the perfect way to warm up in minutes. You can also increase your range higher and lower with these exercises.


What is the difference between a Wagnerian Soprano and a Wagnerian Tenor?

About 10 pounds!

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