A good hook is the high point of a well-crafted song. It should be the capstone of the melody and lyric. The hook is normally the title of a song. It is usually repeated in the chorus and sometimes placed in the first or last line of a song.  For instance, Stevie Wonder’s song “Superstition” has the hook in the title, melody and lyrical hook as well. The hook can be the answer to all of the verse questions. As…


A good hook is the high point of a well-crafted song. It should be the capstone of the melody and lyric. The hook is normally the title of a song. It is usually repeated in the chorus and sometimes placed in the first or last line of a song.  For instance, Stevie Wonder’s song “Superstition” has the hook in the title, melody and lyrical hook as well.

The hook can be the answer to all of the verse questions. As singer is singing the verse questions pointing to the answer in the chorus hook! Every line in the song points to a conclusion of the chorus and the hook! There is a tension that builds in the verse through music directing you to the hook as the answer and summary of all the ideas in each verse.

A hook can be long, short or partial phrases that can be put into parentheses. There are different ways to set up the hook. For instance, if the verses are made up of short, punchier notes, in the chorus/hook you can use longer legato notes. Another way to command attention is to add a rest (silence) right before the hook. This will signal the listener to pay attention. The contrasts from verse to chorus and hook do not have to be extreme, but it does create a highly effective way to make the hook stand out.

The song “Lean On Me” is in the first and last lines of a song. The melodic hook is repeated over and over throughout the song. Just start writing hooks phrases in a note book. Start collecting catchy phrases, it’s about putting together memorable words like “Unbreak My Heart” or “Let It Go.” The more you write the closer you are to writing a killer hook!


What raised the musician’s car insurance?

Accidentals!   (accidentals are sharps, flats & natural signs)

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