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A singer’s vocal tone is like wine, there is a variety of ways to describe them. There is no wrong way to describe your vocal tone. Every singer’s voice has their own unique color and quality of that tone. It’s a distinctly different “something” that sets your voice apart from others.

There are all kinds of vocal tone types. The color of a voice’s tone can be bright, light, dark or brassy. There are voice types like: baritone, tenor, alto, mezzo-soprano and soprano which effects the vocal tone as well. Other qualities that describe a voice can be raspy, rich, breathy, ringy, whispery, nasally and so many other words to describe the singing voice. All of these descriptions create your unique vocal tone.

What is the tone of your voice called? If P!nk and Christina Aguilera sang the same song, you would immediately hear the differences in their voice’s. Their vocal tone, color and quality are as different as night and day. 

There are different exercises to improve your vocal tone. The lip trills (also called bubble), tongue trills (r-roll), humming and using a straw which really works your vocal cords (folds) which are muscles that need to stay fit.

JOKE FOR THE DAY: How do you tell when your lead singer is at the door?

He can’t find the key and doesn’t know when to come in.

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