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To create a blues or jazz vocal sound when singing requires a few techniques. Most jazz singers like Ella Fitzgerald have a huskier tone, slower vibrato with an edginess and a unique way to enunciate the words.

Jazz and blues singing use scatting, moodiness, a little growl, to creative vocal sounds like an instrument. These amazing singers just ooze emotion and feeling when they sing a song. Sometimes pulling back on the volume to create these unique vocal techniques.

The singer’s facial expressions are usually involuntary reactions to create certain sounds. It’s a way of expressing emotion. The well know “stank face” is related to a mean, scowling or frowning while singing, playing or listening to music that is really funky or crazy good!

A great jazz singer needs to be able to improvise with a unique edginess. The vocal technique is similar to an instrument like the flute, trumpet or saxophone. You need complete vocal control for pitch, dynamics, creating runs and riffs on the fly (improvising), mixed voice, belting and controlled slower vibrato. The singer needs impeccable phrasing and melodic improvisation.

As a singer or pianist, you must master melody, rhythm and harmony. Rhythm is so important because it helps you feel the song and connect to the other band members. Blues and jazz singing is an instrumental way of using your voice.


What is the difference between the bass and the ape?

The baritone!

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