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Vocal cord injuries happen over time with chronic abuse. There are different types of injuries, but they all stem from the same problem, frequent and repeated strain on the vocal cords. The different types of injuries include, ruptures, nodules, polyps or cysts in the throat. All of these injuries are causes by vocal abuse. For instance, continuously straining of the voice from singing or yelling, smoking, acid reflux and forcing your voice when you are sick.

Vocal cord ruptures or hemorrhages are the result of trauma to the vocal folds. This is what happens when you talk or singing loudly for a long period of time over and over. For instance, musical performances or shouting for a long sports game! When you sustain a lengthy period of time with a full volume voice, small blood vessels in the vocal cords rupture.

The strenuous, sustaining stress placed on the vocal cords can also cause nodules, polyps, cysts.  Vocal cord nodules develop from chronic strain. The friction between the vocal cords create callous growths or nodules, polyps, cysts. The difference between a nodule and a polyp is their size. A nodule is like a callous and a polyp is like a blister. These bumps can appear on both vocal folds (cords). If you have a cyst, it is a sac filled with fluid and normally it will appear on only one vocal fold.

Protect your voice by using proper vocal technique, stay hydrated, avoid yelling, stay away from food that cause acid reflux. A professional Vocal Coach can give you great vocal advice in a voice lesson. Stay in good vocal health during these months!


What do you call a fish that needs help with his or her vocals?


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