The way you think about yourself turns into your reality. Your mind is a very powerful asset! How often do you pay attention to what you are thinking throughout the day. As a singer practicing, what kind of self-talk is going on inside your mind? When you play the piano what are you telling yourself? What you think about daily, directly influences how you feel, as well as how you behave. Think about it, your beliefs about yourself could be…


The way you think about yourself turns into your reality. Your mind is a very powerful asset! How often do you pay attention to what you are thinking throughout the day. As a singer practicing, what kind of self-talk is going on inside your mind? When you play the piano what are you telling yourself?

What you think about daily, directly influences how you feel, as well as how you behave. Think about it, your beliefs about yourself could be hindering your goals. Good thoughts and positive mental reinforcement leads to productive actions therefore, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

If you have self-doubt about not being good enough, practice more and tell yourself I am good enough. If you think you are too shy to perform, do something that feels uncomfortable when singing or playing piano (like performing in front of family or friends). Go to a karaoke night and sing in front of a small group of people. You must work through and push through the fears!

It will take some effort in the beginning. Maybe you’ve never realized all the negative thoughts that play over and over again in your mind, like a broken record. But you can start today, by paying attention to what your inner thoughts are telling you and make sure you replace the negative thought with positive thoughts like “I’m going to do a great job!” or “this is going to be a fantastic show.” These thoughts will create a better singing voice and be a more accomplished pianist! Remember you are what you think!


What has forty feet and sings?

The school choir!

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