A logo for michelle ostro vocal and piano studio.


To sing or play like a pro you must have the ability to “keep time” accurately and to synchronize (play at the same time) with other instruments and singers.  A steady tempo, whether you are singing or playing piano, is one of the easiest ways to tell an amateur from a professional.  An audience has the ability to feel the beat while listening to music. So much so, that any deviations from the rhythm are immediately noticed and can give the audience an uneasy feeling that things aren’t quite right. For this reason, if you want to become a successful musician or singer, developing a strong sense of musical timing is extremely important.

This exercise will help with timing; whenever you’re listening to music tap or clap with the beat. You can most likely here the drum beat in the background. Tapping or clapping on the beat is essentially the same thing as a metronome playing to keep time.

One thing every singer or pianist should do is record yourself singing or playing a full song from beginning to end. This will give you an honest assessment of where your timing skill is now. If you listen carefully you should be able to hear the parts where you’re slowing down or speeding up. Listen closely and note each place the was inconsistent.


What is a cat’s favorite song?
Three Blind Mice!

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