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There are different styles of singing, but good basic technique is the same regardless of the style. There are distinct differences in the way you sing pop, opera, country, rock and jazz.

The foundational techniques are the same for all types of music. For instance, posture, tongue placement, diaphragm & breath support, smoothly transitioning from one vocal register to another are the same for all genres of music. All singers need to building a good, solid vocal foundation first and foremost. But there are some technique differences when singing different genres of music.

Some types of music use little or no vibrato at all. Rock, pop, R&B and country singers use a straight tone because there are few sustaining notes is a song. But there are exceptions like Stevie Nicks, Christina Aguilera and Beyonce. Country is another genre that uses minimal vibrato. It’s important for a singer to be versatile and capable of sing with and without vibrato. classical, opera and musical theater use vibrato frequently.

Another technique that differs with genre is placement of sound. For instance, pop, rock, country place the sound (resonance or vibration) in the sinus area or sinus mask. When singing, classic, opera or musical theatre the sound is toward the roof of the mouth. Think of it going straight up to the top of your head. Some rock and jazz singing place the sound forward toward the front of the mouth.

Each genre has their own unique way of singing vowel and consonant sounds. Country adds a little twang to the sound. Where as classical, opera and musical theatre enunciate with a more formal sound. Rock singers use a heavier sound with vocal flair like the vocal fry or sexy growl.

Playing piano is the same, there are foundational techniques that are important to master for every pianist. But each style of music requires more of one technique and less of others. The rhythmic patterns are differ form one genre to another. Contact a professional vocal coach (who knows how to work with the different genres) or piano teacher to build a strong, solid foundation!


If an orchestra is plays music in a thunderstorm, who is most likely to get hit by lightning?

The conductor!

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