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A skilled singer should have control over their vibrato. Vibrato is a slight variation in pitch, wavering back in forth on a note. It is used to add expression to the song you are singing. This will give you a richer tone in your voice while you are singing.

There are speeds of pulsation fluctuation when singing with vibrato. Some people sing with a fast vibrato and narrow pulsation like Dolly Parton. This is caused by subglottic pressure (air pressure) underneath the vocal folds. When the vibrato is fast, it creates too much air pressure. If you have a fast vibrato learn to inhale deeply and relax. Try to slow the vibrato down and learn how to control the speed of pulsation.

Singing with a slower vibrato is usually how someone begins the technique. It’s important to have control when it comes to the rate of speed to sing with vibrato. If you play piano, start on a note and try to raise the pitch a half step and bring the note back down. Try starting on middle C and raise the pitch to C# and back down to C. If you do not play piano start on a white key, play the black key to the right of the white key and back down to the white key (continue back and forth). Start slow and try to increase the rate of speed.

Some styles of music require a straight tone or holding the note solid/straight pitch with no movement or fluctuation in sound of the note. A skilled singer will be able to hold the note with a straight tone or add vibrato in a song.

Too much tension in the throat and vocal cords will affect your ability to sing with vibrato. Every singer is different and some naturally use vibrato and some do not. I’ve worked with many students who were not able to sing with vibrato. But after a few weeks of vibrato exercises they were able to sing with vibrato. It’s all about vocal control.


Dad, why do the singers rock left and right while performing on stage?

Because, son, it is more difficult to hit a moving target.

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