New research from Harvard University study showed that the way music is uniquely put together with codes and patterns makes it universally understood. It doesn’t matter what language a person speaks or whether it’s an adult or an infant, we all understand music and respond to it. The feeling and emotions from it, happy or sad, we understand it. Whether it’s singing a song, or playing the instrumentals in a song on the piano, music impacts our lives and impacts…


New research from Harvard University study showed that the way music is uniquely put together with codes and patterns makes it universally understood. It doesn’t matter what language a person speaks or whether it’s an adult or an infant, we all understand music and respond to it. The feeling and emotions from it, happy or sad, we understand it.

Whether it’s singing a song, or playing the instrumentals in a song on the piano, music impacts our lives and impacts our brain function and our behavior. Music can reduce stress, reduce pain, and reduce symptoms of depressions. Music also improves cognitive function (the way our brain makes connections to remember new things and our reasoning through logic), motor skills, spatial-temporal learning (problem solving) and neurogenesis (brains ability to produce neurons).

When you sing, musical vibrations move through you, altering your physical and emotional landscape. Group singing, for those who have done it, is the most exhilarating and transformative of all. It takes something incredibly intimate, a sound that begins inside you, shares it with a roomful of people and it comes back as something even more thrilling through harmony. As the popularity of group singing grows, science has been hard at work trying to explain why it has such a calming yet energizing effect on people. What researchers are beginning to discover is that singing is like an infusion of the perfect tranquilizer, the kind that both soothes your nerves and elevates your spirits.


Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella? Fo’drizzle!

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